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High Potential Identification
Find and Retain your HIPO Talent
Hiring continues to be a struggle, so finding and retaining top internal talent has become a priority. Identify your high potential employees and double talent retention.

High-potential (HIPO) employees are critical to your organization’s current and future success. They are the key players you want to identify and develop to power your organization.
SHL research shows that HIPOs are 91% more valuable than non-HIPOs. But today’s reality is that 73% of HIPO programs are failing to deliver business outcomes or ROI. So what needs to change to achieve HIPO program success?
The best companies use predictive measures to identify true high-potentials, compare them against the competition and develop them through on-the-job learning to drive performance impact.
Accurately identify HIPOs by measuring the factors critical for success.
Assess your competitive talent positioning and focus development spend.
Enable efficient and scalable on-the-job learning with performance impact.
Apply best practice insights and tools to sustain the impact of your HIPO program.

A Clear Definition of High Potential EmployeesSHL’s HIPO model is based on years of studying high potential employees and programs to identify the critical factors that determine their success. Based on this research, we determined that a true HIPO is not only a high performer but also someone with all three of the defining attributes: aspiration, ability, and engagement.
AspirationWho wants to rise to more senior positions? After studying over 431,000 people globally, SHL has identified a unique combination of motivational factors and behaviors of those who are more likely to rise to an executive position. Learn more about SHL’s HIPO model in our latest guide.
AbilityWho will be effective when they reach leadership positions? Only 1 in 4 professionals exhibit very high levels of leadership potential in their early careers. To provide a more holistic assessment of the ability to be effective in more challenging and senior roles, SHL has identified attributes that drive future leadership performance potential – beyond cognitive and reasoning ability. Learn more about SHL’s HIPO model in our latest guide.
EngagementWho will commit to the organization and remain in senior roles? HIPOs are highly sought after in an increasingly competitive market and less than half of high potentials intend to stay with their current employer. Engaged HIPOs are 1.5x more likely to stay – but how is engagement defined? SHL’s definition and measurement is composed of two factors: current and future engagement. Learn more about SHL’s HIPO model in our latest guide.
Identify and Retain your Critical Talent
The data-driven and objective way to discover, utilize, and retain your most critical talent.
Bring Science to HIPO Identification
Measure each of the three characteristics through SHL’s scientifically valid assessments for personality, potential, motivation, cognitive ability, and engagement. Assess freshly nominated HIPOs or new joiners at any frequency.